Christ-Centered Add-On
Become certified to teach Christ-Centered yoga classes. Learn how to: study and assimilate the Bible, incorporate Scripture into your yoga classes, design Christ-Centered yoga classes, market and promote your classes, take care of your holy temple, and lead like Jesus. This course is available for existing 200-hour yoga teachers who wish to become Certified Christ-Centered Yoga Teachers (CCYT). Taught by Dawn Hopkins.
Teacher Ethics & Leadership: March 2021
This course concentrates on developing the teacher mindset, including instruction in ethics, roles and responsibilities, inner integrity, servant leadership, and self care.
- Session 1: Teacher Ethics, Roles & Responsibilities
- Session 2: The Four Pillars of Integrity
- Session 3: Servant Leadership
- Session 3: Self Care
Instruction will take place online via Zoom on Wednesday evenings in March from 5:00-8:00 pm MST. All training sessions are recorded and the link to the recording is provided within 24 hours of the session.
Required Reading: The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele. Training manual will also be provided in an electronic format.
Homework: Trainees will be required to participate in weekly yoga classes and complete Class Feedback Forms for each. Trainees will also be required to complete weekly Journaling Forms with prompts provided. Trainees will also be required to participate in weekly mentoring, as coordinated by their mentor.
Class Design & The Business of Yoga: May 2021
This course provides detailed instruction in class design and sequencing for Gentle, Level 1, Level 1-2, Level 2, and Vinyasa classes as well as how to deliver classes in an online format. In addition, trainees will learn the business side of yoga including marketing, promotion, and legal considerations and will get practical experience developing a workshop series or a business plan.
Training Includes:
- Session 1: Class design and sequencing for Gentle & Level 1
- Sessions 2: Class design and sequencing for Level 1-2, Vinyasa, and Level 2
- Session 3: Playlist development and online teaching considerations
- Session 4: Business tools and marketing
Instruction will take place online via Zoom on Wednesday evenings in May from 5:00-8:00 pm MST. All training sessions are recorded and the link to the recording is provided within 24 hours of the session.
Required Reading: Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes by Mark Stephens. Training manual will also be provided in an electronic format.
Suggested Reading: The Language of Yin by Gabrielle Harris.
Homework: Trainees will be required to participate in weekly yoga classes and complete Class Feedback Forms for each. Trainee will also compete and turn in a final project consisting of: 1) a business plan or 2) a workshop series for a special population or specific condition, including class outlines for each. Trainees will also be required to participate in weekly mentoring, as coordinated by their mentor.
Foundations of Yoga: June 2021
This course provides detailed instruction in yoga history, philosophy, theory, and spiritual study. Trainees will learn about the origins of yoga, yoga philosophy, the eight limbs of yoga, Charka theory, and the Koshas, pranayama (breath work), mediation, and prayer. In addition, trainees will learn how to study the Bible and other Sacred text and incorporate it into their class messaging for their Christ-centered yoga classes.
Training Includes:
- Session 1: Yoga History, Philosophy & Theory
- Session 2: Studying Sacred Text
- Session 3: Class Messaging
- Session 4: Breath Work, Meditation & Prayer
Instruction will take place online via Zoom on Wednesday evenings in June from 5:00-8:00 pm MST. All training sessions are recorded and the link to the recording is provided within 24 hours of the session.
Required Reading: The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikachar (including The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). The Holy Bible (ESV, NIV, NASB, or NLT preferred). Training manual will also be provided in an electronic format.
Suggested Reading: The Language of Yin by Gabrielle Harris.
Homework: Trainees will be required to participate in Bible study and turn in Journaling Notes each week. In addition, trainees will be required to participate in weekly Christ-Centered yoga classes and complete Class Feedback Forms for each. Trainees will also be required to participate in weekly mentoring, as coordinated by their mentor.
Investment: $825 US. Payment arrangements are available as coordinated with training center leader. Discounts offered for existing teachers. Certificate, YACEP CEUs, and M-AYST hours provided for existing teachers.
Detailed schedule will be provided upon registration.Register NowPurchase