The Middle Way is the Better Way
Let’s face it. We live in a dualistic, polarized society. Living in this type of environment can result in what I like to call “or-based” thinking. This OR that. Black OR white. Good OR bad. All OR nothing. Take our relationship with food for a moment. In my work as a facilitator and coach with […]
It’s Time to De-Clutter
Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. It is a time when animals come out of hibernation, and life is evident all around us. Trees and flowers are in full bloom. Bees and butterflies dance on flowers and blossoms. Babies of all different species of animals and birds are born. It is a lovely […]
Lessons from St. Patrick
I’ve always been inspired and humbled by the story of St. Patrick, not the myths that have perpetuated over time, but the REAL story of St. Patrick as shared by the letters he wrote over 1500 years ago. The man who we know as St. Patrick wasn’t Irish. He was a rebellious atheist Roman teenager […]
A Self Love Story
On Valentines Day exactly one year ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Not exactly what ANYONE wants for a Valentines gift, but as it turns out, it was a gift after all. One year later, I am beyond grateful to share that I am cancer free. But that was not the gift that came […]
New Year New You
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” ~ Meister Eckhart The new year provides a wonderful opportunity to start something new, and make changes that will take us in the direction we would like to go. The problem is that the vast majority of new year’s […]
The Gift of Joy
“We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try.” ~ Roger Ebert One of my favorite scenes from any Christmas movie was the scene where Linus tells Charlie Brown the real meaning of Christmas. It goes like this… Charlie Brown: […]
Happy Thanks-giving!
“Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” ~ W.J. Cameron The word Thanksgiving (thanks-giving), is about GIVING Thanks. Did you know that Thanks-giving is good for you? Studies show that those who focus on gratitude are happier, view things in a more positive manner, and are healthier overall. It’s true! Gratitude has a profound […]
Pink Phoenix Rising
On February 14 (Valentine’s Day), I was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) breast cancer after going for my routine mammogram. To say that I was in shock was an understatement. My brain went down the “what if” rabbit hole in every direction, but I was resolved to “deal with it” even if that […]
Back Off Busy-Shamers
I recently had an experience that left me feeling shamed and bullied. I wasn’t bullied in the way that we frequently hear about on social media. I was shamed because I’m “too busy” and I was made to feel like I have a problem. In the past, as a recovering people pleaser, I would have […]
Yoga Sutra 2.46: sthira sukham asanam
Yoga, especially in the West, has evolved into a largely physical practice. We see photos of people in acrobatic and pretzel-like shapes on the cover of Yoga Journal and all over the Interwebs. And we think to ourselves, “There’s no way I can do THAT!” Needless to say, this has caused confusion about what yoga […]