There really is something special about approaching a milestone birthday. Yeah, that’s right. I’m about the enter the half-century club! While I don’t feel like a different person, I do feel differently about this birthday. Maybe it’s because I’m half the age of my two grandmothers who passed last year at ages 99 and 101 – two women who left a legacy of love, wisdom, strength, tenacity, and resilience. Maybe it’s because I finally feel like I know who I am. Maybe it’s because I’m really starting to love myself and where I’m at in my life. Maybe it’s because I feel that I’m starting to accumulate some wisdom that might be worth sharing. So in honor of my birthday month, I want to share what 50 years on this earth has taught me (in no particular order). We will call them my 50 Dawn-isms…
- Study and know yourself. It’s the key to all wisdom.
- Be true to yourself.
- Find your passion and fuel it.
- Everything we do is a reflection of who we believe ourselves to be.
- Peace begins within, so make peace with yourself.
- Never be at war with your own body.
- Life is too short to diet or drink bad wine.
- Always color outside of the lines.
- Never fake anything.
- Don’t wait to start checking the boxes off your bucket list. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
- Do what you love, love what you do, or change it.
- Don’t let your fears hold you back from creating the life you desire.
- Change is necessary for growth.
- Don’t resist change. It’s going to happen anyway.
- Desire is the greatest motivator.
- Don’t limit yourself. All things are possible.
- Perfectionism is a lie. Don’t believe it.
- Always speak your truth.
- Trust your gut. It’s often smarter than your brain.
- Things are rarely as they seem. Get curious and ask lots of questions.
- Yoga isn’t about the postures. It’s a way of thinking and being.
- We don’t need to have all of the answers. It’s impossible, and the answers only lead to more questions.
- Pain is a vehicle to self-discovery. Allow it to teach you.
- Whatever you seek, you will find.
- Know what’s yours to own. Own it, and let go of the rest.
- Listen to your heart. It’s wiser than you think.
- What you focus on really does expand. So mind your thoughts.
- Find your tribe and love them HARD.
- People will come in and out of your life and that doesn’t mean the time you spent with them didn’t matter.
- It doesn’t matter what people think of you. It’s none of your business.
- You can’t change people, nor should you try.
- It’s ok if people don’t like you.
- Never apologize for who you are.
- Humans are beautiful flawed. Don’t forget, you are one of them.
- Forgiveness is freedom. Forgive early and often. It gets harder the longer you hold onto it.
- True love really exists, but it never looks like you think it will.
- You have to love yourself in order to find true love.
- When you find your soul mate, you’ll know it.
- Two halves do not make a whole person.
- Marriage is about bringing out the best in yourself and your partner.
- Parenthood is not about you. It’s about them.
- Our children are among our greatest teachers.
- Grandparenting really is a blast!
- Religion and faith are not the same. Don’t throw faith out the window just because religion has betrayed or hurt you. (See items #34 and #35.)
- Things really do work themselves out in time. Trust the journey and let go.
- Find ways to be grateful, even for the trials in life. Gratitude truly heals and uplifts.
- Always be a student and never stop learning.
- Love is always the answer.
- When in doubt, just breathe.
- Create a legacy that leaves a large footprint.
So there it is – 50 years of wisdom through my eyes and experience. I’m looking forward to the lessons the second half of my life has to teach me. Don’t worry, I won’t wait another 50 years to share them with you!