Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. It is a time when animals come out of hibernation, and life is evident all around us. Trees and flowers are in full bloom. Bees and butterflies dance on flowers and blossoms. Babies of all different species of animals and birds are born. It is a lovely reminder of how beautiful life and growth can be.

Spring is also a time of pruning and de-cluttering. It is a time when we can let go of what no longer serves us in order to make space for something new. Like pruning a rose bush, by getting rid of old stuff, we can make way for new growth to occur.

Here are a few tips for de-cluttering:

When we de-clutter and clear out old stuff – whether it be in our home, mind, heart, or body – it is amazing what can and will flow into the space that is created! This also helps to facilitate healing and growth, and enables us to be the best version of ourselves possible.