Start Your 30 Days to Wholeness

Yoga is a journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

Are you ready to jumpstart your yoga wellness journey and tap into your wholeness?

In our free sampler, you get to explore the first 7 days of our 30 Days to Wholeness Journey.

Explore a variety of yoga and wellness practices to support your body, mind, heart and spirit. Your journey will consist of daily practices ranging from 30-75 minutes in length that will be recorded and available for replay the following day if you can’t participate in real time.

Click the button below to begin your journey to wholeness.

Your Journey Begins Now

Focus Area for Your First 7 Days

Experience 7 days of exploring practices to improve your physical strength, flexibility, mobility, and balance. 

"Wholeness" Gentle Yoga

"Happy Feet" Yoga Therapy for Feet & Ankles

"Hip Hip Hooray" Yoga Therapy for Hips

"Tight Tushes" Yoga Therapy

"Got Your Back" Yoga Therapy for Spinal Health

"Pain in the Neck" Yoga Therapy for Neck & Shoulders

"Whole Body Happiness" Yoga Therapy for Joint Health

Life Change Starts Here

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