Week 1: Body

Day One

“Wholeness” Gentle Yoga

Day Two

“Happy Feet” Yoga Therapy for Feet & Ankles

Day Three

“Hip Hip Hooray” Yoga Therapy for Hips

Day Four

“Tight Tush” Yoga Therapy for Tight Tushes

Day Five

“Got Your Back” Yoga Therapy for Spinal Health

Day Six

“Hip Hip Hooray” Yoga Therapy for Hips

Day Seven

“Whole Body Happiness” Yoga Therapy for Joint Health

Week 2: Mind

Day Eight

“Mind the Mind” Yoga Therapy

Day Nine

“True Self” Yoga Nidra Meditation

Day Ten

“Presence” Healing Restorative Yoga

Day Eleven

“The Mindful Way” Mindful Eating & Yoga Practice

Day Twelve

“Restoration” Slow Flow Yoga

Day Thirteen

“Safe Space” Stress & Trauma (Psoas) Release

Day Fourteen

“Yoga for Mental Health” Yoga Therapy

Week 3: Heart

Day Fifteen

“Mind the Mind” Yoga Therapy”Peaceful Presence” Restorative Yoga

Day Sixteen

“Lovingkindness” Meditation

Day Seventeen

“Gratitude” Stress & Trauma (Psoas) Release & Yoga Nidra

Day Eighteen

“Cultivating Courage” Mindful Eating & Yoga

Day Nineteen

“Spring Cleaning” Slow Flow

Day Twenty

“Chakra Balancing” Meditation

Day Twenty One

“Coming Home to Self” Slow Flow

Week 4: Spirit

Day 22a

“Compassion” Stress & Trauma (Psoas) Release & Yoga

Day 22b

“Compassion” Christ-Centered Foundational

Day 23a

“Hope” Inspirational Slow Flow Yoga

Day 23b

“Hope” Christ-Centered Foundational Yoga

Day 24a

“Letting Go” Restorative Yoga

Day 24b

“Letting Go” Christ-Centered Foundational Yoga

Day 25a

“Peace” Yoga Nidra Meditation

Day 25b

“Peace” Christ-Centered Yoga Nidra Meditation

Day 26a

“Thankfulness & Gratitude” Stress & Trauma (Psoas) Release & Yoga Nidra

Day 26b

“Thankfulness & Gratitude” Christ-Centered Foundational Yoga

Day 27a

“Self-Care” Psoas Release & Yoga Nidra

Day 27b

“Self Care” Christ-Centered Foundational Yoga

Day 28a

“Rest & Stillness” Inspirational Slow Flow

Day 28b

“Rest & Stillness” Christ-Centered Foundational Yoga

Day Twenty Nine

“30 Days of Wholeness” Wrap Up Session